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Plato had mentioned two kinds of birth in The Symposium, the birth of soul and the birth of body. So I’d like to ask you that, for those people who will die, who only have limited time and competence, if they have to choose one way to prolong their life, which one is better?


In my class and in my book, I try to use the word "soul" only when I am talking about a view according to which the mind depends on something nonphysical, something separate from the body. And as I explain there, I do not actually believe in the existence of souls, in this sense. There is just the body. Often, however, when people talk about the soul all they are trying to do is to talk about the mind–the ability of a person to think, believe, plan, have goals, fear, love, be creative, and so on. And it is possible to have a body that is functioning in the mere biological sense (breathing, digesting, and so forth), while having lost the ability to think, plan, communicate. So we need to ask: when we want to stay alive, is it good enough to be alive in the biological sense, or do we also want to be alive mentally? My own view, and I think that most people would agree with me, is that what is valuable is being a person–being a body that can think, feel, love, plan, and so forth. In this sense, prolonging the life of the body is not good enough, what we want is to prolong the ability of the body to think, so what is valuable is prolonging the life of the mind (even though this is simply a way of prolonging the body).



You have mentioned the question of whether death is definitely bad. For those people in hospital who suffer a lot from illness, they want euthanasia. However, in China, they don’t have the right to choose their own fate of life or death. Their relatives would be subject to legal sanctions if they comply with the wishes of those patients. Under this situation, what’s your view about the meaning of death?


When someone can look forward to living longer for a while with a life that is good overall, then death is bad, because it robs the person of the extra portion of life that is good. But if, sadly, someone is very sick and in pain and unable to have a life that is good overall, then when death comes it is not bad, but rather it is good, since it saves them from living longer with a life that is bad overall. But if death in such a case would be good, why must we wait for the disease to kill the person? Wouldn't it be better to help the person die sooner, painlessly, rather than waiting for the disease to kill them? This is the argument for euthanasia, and I do believe that euthanasia is morally permissible, and should be legalized. You tell me that this is not legal in China, and the same is true for most of the United States. But I hope that this will change in the future, I hope that more countries will realize that it is kinder to a person to help them die painlessly, when the future will otherwise be bad overall, than to force them to wait around, in pain, until they die from their disease. I think that opposition to euthanasia is based on mistaken beliefs about the nature of death and the value of life.



Regarding suicide, there is a saying that life is more horrible than death yet another saying that if one is not afraid of death, how could he be afraid of living? Is it true that one is like a walking dead if he neither wants to die nor does he know anything about his own life?


I believe that suicide makes sense–rationally and morally–under certain circumstances. The issue is complicated, and partly depends of course on whether one has moral obligations to take care of others (for example a parent of young children). But putting these complications aside, the basic issue is whether the person who is considering suicide will be losing a portion of life that would be good overall, if they kill themselves, or whether, instead, they would be having a portion of life that is bad overall. That is, the question is whether you are better off dead, or better off staying alive (for at least a while longer). For most people, I think, the answer is that they would be better off staying alive, and so in most cases suicide would be a mistake. But there are cases that are exceptions, very similar to the cases where euthanasia would be permissible. Everything depends on the facts. So it is a mistake to think that in all cases death is worse than staying alive, and it is a mistake to think that in all cases staying alive is worse than death. Rather, it depends on the facts, and making a rational decision here requires taking an honest look at one's life. A common mistake is to think that problems one is facing now are such that they will never go away, that life will continue to get worse and worse. Often enough, one can overcome one's problems, or at least minimize their impact, and in such cases suicide is not reasonable.



I don’t oppose to death if life leaves us nothing but miseries. We have our own rights to choose to live or die if only we’ve thought the consequences through. However it’s the pets’ masters who decide whether to go for mercy killing and I never know if animals themselves want to live or not. Is it true that both men and animals are afraid to die and wish to live when they face death?


Scientists have only recently begun to study the psychology and cognition of animals in a serious way, and we are constantly learning that many animals can think at a much higher and more complicated level than we had previously believed. Still, as far as I can tell, the following is true: very few animals have a sense of themselves as being a self, an individual distinct from other animals, with a past and a future. Very few animals are self-conscious, aware of themselves as existing across time, and having a desire to continue to exist into the distant future. Humans have this sense, and perhaps a few other animals do (some of the great apes, and perhaps some others, but not many). Now I believe that having this sort of self-consciousness is required to understand the notion of death, and to have a desire that one not die (as opposed to merely having an instinctive reaction to threats). So while I certainly believe that many animals are afraid of this threat or that threat, very few animals, other than humans, have a fear of death in and of itself. I think that this difference in our cognitive capacities also plays a role in giving humans a different moral status from that of other (lower) animals. It helps explain why it is indeed appropriate for the pet's owner to decide whether mercy killing is right for the given animal, while for a human, this decision should be made by the person himself or herself.



When and how was the concept of “soul” brought into being? What’s the motivation of the earliest proponents to articulate it?

由田甲里: “灵魂”这个概念是何时如何产生的?最早提出者又出于什么动机?

There are facts about people that are difficult to explain, like the fact that we can think, are conscious, can make plans, and communicate–boiled down, this is the fact that we have a mind. Could it possibly be that a merely physical object could have a mind? A thought like this has often seemed very hard to accept. After all, rocks don't think, rivers don't fall in love, wagons cannot make plans. So it was natural to think that merely physical objects could not have minds. Hence where there is a mind, there must be something more than the merely physical. This is the idea of the soul – something nonphysical that is the source of thinking and feeling, emotions and, more generally, all of our various mental activities. Even when people began to invent more complicated machines–clocks, or engines, or television sets, none of these had minds, and it seemed impossible to see how a mere machine could have a mind. So this too suggested that creatures like us, creatures with minds, must have something nonphysical, a soul. However, although it is easy to see how belief in a soul began, and why many find it a plausible idea, I nonetheless think that it is a mistake. As we learn more about us, we are able to explain more and more about us, including how the mind works, in physical terms. There is, I think, no need to posit anything nonphysical to explain the fact that we have minds.



When did the word “ghost” first appear in the history? Under which situation? Do you have any scientific means to prove or crush its existence? Can you explain the phenomenon of human’s momentary recovery of consciousness just before death?


I think it is possible that there are ghosts, in the sense that this is an empirical claim, and we need to consider the evidence for and against believing in it. But the question is always whether the best explanation of the evidence is that there are indeed ghosts, or whether some other less exciting explanation is better. Although the subject is very complicated, and there is a great deal of evidence to be considered on each side, my own view is that we do not have good reason to believe in ghosts.



If my brain is parted into two and both of them have an independent personality, as you have mentioned, the original “I” was dead and there are two other men now, should I feel pity about that? What do you think of it?


This kind of case is only science fiction, of course, but it is fascinating, from a philosophical point of view, to think about. My own view is that if my brain were to split in the way you describe, then I will be dead, and neither of the two men who then are the result would be me. However, although I would not survive such an operation, much of what is valuable about survival would be there in this case anyway. That is, in some ways splitting like this would be almost as good as survival: there would be people with my memories, who care about the things I care about, and who have the same goals as I do, who will try to write my books (the same way I would have done!), and make the world a better place. Of course, on the other hand, in some ways, things would be much more complicated if there were two of "me" like this. After all, who would live with my wife? Who would get to spend time with our children? Who would get my job? Still, we can imagine that this sort of operation became very common, so that people "split" all the time. Then perhaps we would develop new forms of family and society to deal with this, and it would open up new possibilities! As I say, this is a fascinating case to think about.



What if scientific progress can make people immortal? Will some theories explaining why we are mortal, some genetic-related theories, make it possible to find a way of stopping human from aging?


I am confident that advances in science will allow us to live longer, perhaps slowing down the aging process, and allowing for us to grow replacement organs when our hearts and livers and kidneys, and so on, wear out. But I don't think we will ever be immortal. And that is a good thing, since I believe that immortality would be horrible. (What would be best of all would be to be able to live as long as one wants, in good health, until one doesn't want to live any longer, and then to be able to die peacefully.)



What’s your opinion about the relationship between death and religion? Do people believe in religion because of the fear of death?


Religion plays many roles, one thing it does is to provide an answer to questions we have about life, and death, and the possibility of an afterlife. And as you suggest, I am sure that for many people part of the appeal of religion is that some religions offer the possibility of an afterlife, or a heaven, and this may help with those who are afraid to die. But such beliefs–even if they are false, as I believe–are not the only reason to have a religion, for religions also teach about ethics, and how to live with one another, and they teach about the things that are most valuable. Even if one decides that there is no afterlife, one might still find meaning and value in religion. But here too, it isn't as though all religions teach the same thing, so one must study and compare, so as to find the religion that comes closest to the truth (or decide, for that matter, that none do).



When I am going to die, I will worry about my family because they will miss me and feel sad. I want to know how to comfort people who are facing the death of their beloved ones.


This is one of the hardest things about death, being separated from the ones we love, and in some ways, as you suggest, it is particularly bad for those who are still alive. It is appropriate to feel sad when someone you love has died. If the person was worthy of your love, then it makes sense to feel grief at their loss, or even at the thought of losing them soon. So if I were near death, I would not try to talk my family out of feeling sad, and when I have lost members of my family I have felt grief. But in time, I think, the grief can grow less, and you can spend more time remembering the loved one with joy and gratitude for all that they gave you in your life. Eventually, the balance of sadness to joy can shift, and we can look back and be glad for the time we had together. So perhaps this is what I would try to say to those who are facing my own imminent death that I hope that in time they will remember me with love and joy, rather than simply sorrow.

